1. Controlling MXW through Python
Python is used in MXW trough a plugin interface. Specified program paths are searched for plugins which are registered, and then loaded through the user interface.
As of version 7.2., plugins are available in the playlist. There are two paths searched during program startup, the program folder and the user folder:
- (Program folder)/plugins/playlist/python/
- ~.StageDesigner/plugins/playlist/python/ (Unix)
- ~.StageDesigner/plugins/playlist/python/ (Windows)
Each plugin resides in a folder. Inside this folder, two files have to be present,
- mxw_plugin.ini
- mxw_main.py
The file mxw_plugin.ini defines the registration of the plugin. The following fields are valid:
Tag | Use | Values/Example |
plugin_version | Plugin Version | 1 |
plugin_script_language | Plugin Script Language | Python |
plugin_action_level | Plugin Activity Switch | disabled = not visible |
plugin_menu_parent | Top level parent in playlist menu | "AI", "IO" .. |
plugin_menu_name | Playlist menu entry | "Face detection" |
plugin_grid_name | Default name in grid (may be completed via script) | "Face detect" |
plugin_grid_bg_color | Default color in grid (may be changed via script) | 0.95 0.05 0.45 1.00 (RGBA with range 0..1) |
plugin_tooltip | Tool tip in grid and panel | "This plugin triggers the playlist when it finds a Face" |
An example mxw_plugin.ini looks like this:
[mxw_plugin] ; must be here
plugin_version = 1 ; must be V1 (as of V7.2)
plugin_script_language = Python ; must be Python (as of V7.2)
plugin_menu_parent = AI
plugin_menu_name = NeuronalNet(Dlib) Face Detect Plugin
plugin_grid_name = Face Detect Plugin
plugin_grid_bg_color = 0.950000 0.050000 0.450000 1.000000 ; set plugin color.
plugin_tooltip = This plugin triggers the playlist when it finds a Face using a neuronal net (Dlib)
The plugins are defined in a mxw_main.py file. This file is loaded, and the main UI calls the provided interface functions. This is a minimal example of video writing and placing the recorded video into the first preload:
import tempfile
import mxw, mxw_imgui # for mxw interaction, mxw ui interaction
import cv2 # image processing
import numpy as np # math
videosize = (640,480)
f = object()
out = object()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def onCreate():
global capture_device
dev = mxw.media().get_capture_device_names()
capture_device = dev[1]
def onAction():
global capture_device, out, f
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.avi')
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','P','4','V')
out = cv2.VideoWriter(f.name, fourcc, mxw.fps, videosize)
m = mxw.media(capture_device)
def onPostAction():
global capture_device, out, f
m = mxw.media(capture_device)
def onNewFrameInPlayoutCue():
global capture_device, out, f
m = mxw.media(capture_device)
img = m.get_image_sample_cvmat(videosize[0],videosize[1])
img = np.array(img, copy=False)
img = cv2.flip(img, 0)
# render in panel for settings etc
def onRenderPanel():
mxw_imgui.text_unformatted("This plugin records a camera")
The following interface functions are available for the playlist plugins:
Tag | Use | Values/Example |
onCreate | Called when the plugin item is created | |
onDelete | Called when the plugin item is deleted. Note that this is only called on shutdown not called when the plugin is e.g. removed, since the items are kept for eventual undo-operations | |
getColorBG | Get background color, called each render cycle | |
onAction | Called when cue is entered | |
onPostAction | Called when the cue is left | |
onPreparePlayback | Called when the playlist gets a preloading command (e.g. when the | < button is pressed) |
onPause | Called when the playlist goes paused |
315,2: static auto fn_name = "onPause"; 334,2: static auto fn_name = "onActivateInUI"; 353,2: static auto fn_name = "onActiveCueChange"; 372,2: static auto fn_name = "getDuration"; 396,2: static auto fn_name = "getText"; 420,2: static auto fn_name = "onSettingsChanged"; 439,2: static auto fn_name = "getTimeSinceOnActionIssued"; 463,2: static auto fn_name = "onCleanup";