Linux and No Dongle Detection

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This applies to Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based Linux versions and all MXWendler versions


You start with a USB dongle attached but the log states there is no dongle found.


Actually a dongle is found, but it is not usable because of insufficient udev permissions. Dongle values can be read, but no commands like e.g. 'Respond with dongle serial' can be sent (written) to the dongles.


For a first test, you can start MXWendler as root. If the dongle is usable now, it is a udev permission issue. Now enable the correct permissions for all users the USB dongle. Enable full access to the dongles with the following command sequence issued in a terminal:

$ sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/999-ft-mxw.rules

$ sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/999-ft-mxw.rules

Enter this line:


Exit vim with <esc>,:,w,q,<enter>. Then restart udev service

$ sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart

and re-plug the dongle.


The dongle values are never changed, this is only possible for the dongle issuer.